Brasiliana - BCore Disc
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Agustín Pereyra Lucena, the undisputed ambassador of Brazilian music in Argentina, and a revered guitarist since his early years. Pereyra Lucena became fascinated by Brazilian music during the years of Bossa Nova, a sound that would define his career despite his later incursions in Jazz and French Impressionism. This passion led him to drop his architecture studies and become a full time musician, forging his own sound, befriending Vinicius and Toquinho and sharing stage with many of Brazil’s greatest musicians.
Released in Argentina as “Ese Día Va A Llegar” in 1975, and the following year in Europe as “Brasiliana”, this was Pereyra Lucena’s fourth album. A tasteful blend of covers and original compositions, the result is a thrilling Bossa Jazz album with a character of its own, and which also served as the starting point of Guillermo Reuter’s career, who would shortly after start his project Candeias, with Agustín Pereyra Lucena on guitar.


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